Today, June 3, 2010, union members of Schmitz Park Elementary  voted “no confidence” in the Seattle School District Superintendent.  They approved the following motion by a vote of 15 to 0, with 3 abstentions.

Whereas the Seattle Schools Superintendent is a member of the board of directors on the Broad Foundation, which lobbies for and financially supports charter schools across the nation, and

Whereas the Superintendent’s strategic plan was drawn up by the McKinsey and Co, who advocate for charter schools nation-wide, and

Whereas the Superintendent’s performance management plan does not address the real needs of struggling students but instead holds teachers and schools accountable for issues beyond their control, and

Whereas the Superintendent’s poor judgment and handling of school closures resulted in needless disenfranchisement of minority families and the overcrowding of schools, and

Whereas the Superintendent’s new student assignment plan will result in increased racial and economic segregation, and

Whereas the Superintendent’s poor management resulted in laying off then rehiring needed teachers, and

Whereas the Superintendent has failed to submit a certified Record on four grassroots-initiated law suits in violation of RCW 28A.645.020, thereby circumventing citizen’s rights to due process,

Be it resolved the staff at Schmitz Park, by majority vote, hereby declare we have NO CONFIDENCE in the leadership of  Superintendent  Goodloe-Johnson.