When Wall Street was first occupied I was thrilled to hear the news but hesitant to report it on this blog. People were finally pushing back on those who have taken so much from all of us. The focus of this blog is education and I never want to distract readers with other news but upon reflection and listening to Michael Moore speak on the subject, I determined that it was relevant in terms of our children and their future.

An introduction to the “Occupy Wall Street” movement.

An interview with one of the organizers.

I keep hearing the words “This is what Democracy looks like” when I think about the people who are joining others on Wall Street.

Over 700 hundred Continental and United pilots, joined by additional pilots from other Air Line Pilots Association carriers, demonstrated in front of Wall Street on September 27, 2011 in New York City.

The New York Transit Workers union, 68,000 strong, have voted to join the protesters on October 5th at 4:00 PM.

It started 14 days ago when several hundred protesters marched on Wall Street. They were  greeted by a cadre of police officers and a barricade that would not allow the protestors to get near the New York Stock Exchange. Instead they were located to a small park nearby that has now become known as Liberty Plaza.

There were buses that left several states this week to join those on Wall Street.

For additional information on this action you can check out the following:

Nation of Change has live streaming of the occupation.

Day three of the occupation: an informative blog post, Ongoing Occupation of Wall Street.

Occupy Wall Street has great photo’s and videos.

If you want to send an order of pizza’s to the folks occupying Wall Street, check out the list of local restaurants who will deliver to the site. It’s a nice way to show your support.

At least the bull is safe.


This just in. While protesters are on the ground, the folks up on the balcony drink their champagne.