You could just about replace the words “Koch brothers” with “Bill Gates” in this 11 minute film Why Do the Koch Brothers Want to End Public Education? in terms of what’s been happening in Seattle, a school board in lock-step with the former Broad-trained superintendent and a  Student Assignment Plan that brought us back to neighborhood schools and therefore the re-segregation of our schools. The lack of choice for minority students now nicely dovetails  into then providing the minority communities with what they think might be their only salvation, charter schools.

The Gates backed League of Education Voters will now be doing seminars in Tukwila and Tacoma  “educating” the rest of us on the wonders of charter schools. It’s interesting that LEV is circling Seattle with these seminars. I suppose that they want to start with what they see as easy pickins’ and save the battle for Seattle as the last item on their agenda before heading to Olympia during the next legislative session.

Check out this video and see if you see parallels between what has been happening in Seattle if you just replace the words “Koch Brothers” with “Bill Gates”.

Irreverently yours,


For additional information on what is happening in Wake County, see

The Koch Brothers And The Battle Over Integration In Wake County’s Schools