Here’s an excerpt.

One lesson made abundantly clear by the recent Chicago teachers’ strike was that our nation suffers from a dearth of African-American hedge fund managers and venture capitalists. What can we do about this shameful scourge? I have no idea, but what I do know is that the strike revealed a fascinating split along race and class lines over what white hedge fund managers like to call priming the edu-pump for future profits education reform.

The key take away: rich white people who send their kids to private schools were the only group to oppose the teachers’ strike. In other words, the very group whose children will likely grow up to become the next generation of achievement gap warriors.

Warning: I am about to use some polling data to back up my claims so those of you whose own educational prospects were damaged by having LIFO lifer teachers in public schools, or who lost valuable edu-days due to a strike will probably need to call on a tutor at this point.

52 percent majority of whites disapprove of the strike. Whites were the only ethnic group that expressed a majority disapproval of the strike.

African Americans approved 63-32 and Latino support was even higher at 65-32.

A majority of parents with kids in private schools opposed the strike, 52 percent to 43 percent, while parents with public school kids approved of the strike 66-31.

Now the news that African American parents overwhelmingly supported the strike came as something of an unwelcome surprise to the hedge fund billionaire education reform crowd, which flooded the airwaves with anti-strike ads. Democrats for Education Reform got increasingly snippy during the strike, lamenting the difficulty of getting anti-strike parents to show up at DFER rallies. DFER even came up with a compelling explanation for its small, all-white crowds. You see, unlike the greedy, lazy teachers who are paid an average of $760,000 a year for a school day just 7.5 minutes long, parents don’t have a union.

The award for best strike analysis, though, goes to venture capitalist Bruce Rauner, who summed up the lack of support for corporate education reform among minority parents this way: parents are dumb. Before you watch Rauner melt down on camera, you’ll want to acquaint yourself with his illustrious bio. The senior principal of GTCR Golder Rauner LLC, a Chicago-based private equity firm, Rauner is not only responsible for making Rahm Emanuel a millionaire, he also recruited  Stand for Children’s Jonah Edelman to come to Illinois. For those of you who are playing the EduShyster Connect the Dots drinking game at home, this would be a good time to refill your glass…

To read this article in full and to watch the video, go to EduShyster.

Post Script: Case in point, charter school initiative 1240 is being back financially by the following individuals and families:

Bill Gates – $1M

Alice Walton- Walmart heiress and daughter of founder Sam Walton- $600k

Bezos family – Jeff Bezos is the founder and CEO of Amazon- $1.5M

Nick Hanauer – described as a “venture capitalist” living in Seattle- $450k

Paul Allen of Microsoft – $100k

Katherine Binder – EMFCO Holdings Chairwoman -$200k

The McCaw’s- a wealthy and prominent family in Seattle – $100k

Now, look in the right hand column of this page and see who is against charter schools in our state. Those organizations and individuals have skin in the game so to speak. They also know what public education is all about and what schools really need.