It’s time to fill in those ballots and send them in Seattle!

I’m the same way, wait until the last minute to pick up that envelope with the ballot in it open it and make some final decisions.

When it comes to the school board race I have two recommendations based on my observations and interaction with these individuals before they were candidates.

Just about every time I attended a school board meeting during the last school year, Kate Martin was there either speaking or intently listening. She is true to what she states as her goals and beliefs in terms of education. I admire her persistence and the consistency of her actions.

I have worked with Michele Buetow through the Alternative Schools Coalition in creating a stronger and more focused presence within the school district. Two years ago when it seemed that our alternative schools, the gems of our district, were under attack by our former Broad-trained superintendent and the push was on to dismantle the program one school at a time, (It’s hard to offer charter schools to a district when you already have successful alternative programs in place with proven track records and an all-city draw) Michele was there speaking up at meetings with Dr. Enfield and being actively involved with the effort to save the alternative schools’ program.

Michele Buetow has my vote.

In District 1, both Sharon Peaslee and John Cummings are both exceptional candidates. I do not know either individual personally but would vote for either with confidence. Avoid Peter Maier like the plague, see Seattle School Board’s Voting Record: Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes.

Marty McLaren For District 6. According to a parent who knows Marty and is herself a strong advocate for education in Seattle, she has this to say:

I have met Marty on several occasions, have exchanged emails … and admire the work she has done to advocate for good schools for all children. She is a genuine, kind person. We can trust her to do a great job and to be a true representative of the values of this community, rather than to be a representative of the values of a small number of wealthy donors.

Marty McLaren has my vote.

The most important action to take right now is to get those ballots in.
