According to a previous post on this blog, Parents Across America, Seattle: Part of Protest at Apple Store:

Steve Jobs with Apple has gotten on the ed reform bandwagon and is offering free iPads to Teach for America recruits but of course none to real teachers who have teaching experience, degrees in education and have devoted their lives to their school communities.  Nope, this is for the TFA, Inc. recruits with five weeks of training to teach to the test and nothing more. I guess they need some sort of way to track all of those test scores.

Check out this great video titled An Apple a Day for TFA.

The protest happened on August 13, 2011.


Part 1

Part 2

Well guess what…they took down the displays in Portland and Washington in late August although it was planned for the photo’s of all those nice, young and enthusiastic recruits to be up through September prominently displayed in the front windows of both stores. We haven’t heard about other cities and whether the displays were left up or not but in Seattle and in Portland where a protest was being planned, they were taken down.

According to a source in Portland:

About the Apple protest — I had called Apple a few times in August to complain about the Teach for America display and ask that they give
iPads to professional teachers instead. In the process I was passed around by phone from one corporate office to another, so I talked to
many people because no one seemed to know how to handle my complaint/request.

The week before we were planning to protest back-to-school week, I called to ask how long the promotion would be going on. I was told — again after being passed around — the display would go on through September and the program –giving iPads to TFA  would go on as long as people wanted to donate them. I did mention the Seattle protest. We planned to protest in Pioneer Square mall, so I  went over to find out about the legalities of protesting inside the mall versus the public sidewalk — this was a few days after the call
to Apple. When I got there, the display was gone. I asked the “genius” when it had been taken down. He said they just came to work, and it was gone — unusual he said because staff is usually told about
things like that. Then he tried to pull up the promotion on the internet. He got an error message. He tried some other ways to access
the page, because that shouldn’t happen he said. But he got nothing.

When I got home I checked the TFA website, and the promotion was still there. I sent the message out to my protest group. By the time they got the link, the TFA page posted an access denied page. Now the only evidence you can find of the campaign is from secondary web sites.

I think it was your protest and our threat of a protest that stopped the
campaign — but mostly you.

This action also got noticed at the Daily Kos, Defeating Teach for America at the Apple Store–A Small Victory.

Great going people.
