As I have posted previously in Whoa! Where did that come from Washington State PTA!!? Charter Schools?! Part 1, So Much for Fair and Balanced With the Washington State PTA, A Letter to All Parents in the Sate of Washington About Charter Schools, Stand for Children, School Board Elections, Washington State PTA and Charter Schools and The Washington State PTA Stacks the Deck Towards Charter Schools the PTA is under siege by Stand for Children (SFC) and the League of Education Voters (LEV). Both organizations are backed by Gates and big corporate money. They want nothing more than to turn the state of Washington into charter school country, privatizing our entire public school system.

I did not attend this year’s Legislative Assembly because my daughter has graduated from the Seattle Public School system but I did get information on what occurred during the two-day event. One teacher who commented on the post Final Thoughts on the Washington State PTA stated:


Along with a team of two other teachers from Issaquah and one from Bellevue, I was delegate at PTSA Legislative Assembly this past weekend. Our team presented an Amendment to the New Model for Teacher Compensation, which you’ve been talking about. We had 3 intense presentation sessions on Friday followed by a caucus Friday night. On Saturday morning the Charter Schools proposal was debated on the floor and passed by a narrow margin. They had to do a standing count. Our amendment was the last vote. We knew that our amendment to retain experienced and higher learning as the foundation of the teacher salary scale wouldn’t fly, so we moved a 2nd amendment which changed the wording and recognized the importance of the new teacher and principal evaluation pilot. The debate was amazing, and we picked up a lot of support.

In the end we lost but it was close. We came in as outsiders, faced a lot of skepticism, but I actually feel that PTSA would welcome more participation by teachers, if we can just get them to be more involved.

The choice is clear: drop your PTA membership in protest (and just give a donation to your school PTA) or GET INVOLVED AND GET ACTIVE! I and a growing number of teachers have chosen the latter.

BTW, you were wondering who the issue submitters of the New Model for Teacher Compensation were last year. They were: Leslie Warrick, Alison Meryweather, Trina Davis and Chad Magendez. This is public information on WSPTA’s website. The sponsors of the new model for Teacher RIF policies also made it onto their 2010 legislative platform and is even more dangerous than compensation in my opinion. My team submitted an amendment this year to change that one too, but it didn’t make it out of PTA’s legislation committee. I appealed it to the executive board, but they voted it down so it didn’t survive to the legislative assembly. Here is the link to last year’s Legislative Issue List (a two-year platform).

Another teacher’s views of what occurred at the Legislative Assembly were stated in the post From a teacher’s perspective: The PTA needs to do their homework on Democracy: Go to an Occupation.

One pitch that I heard was used by the pro-charter, Stand for Children folks was that it was all about the poor minorities. They, the corporate backed SFC, are apparently doing all of this work so that the poor little black children can have a charter school to go to. We know that’s the target for the charter school franchises in Seattle as it is in other urban districts. There is more money to be made in urban areas than there is in less populated areas and there is Title 1 money to be had as well.

Before I go any farther, I would like for all to know that I am African-American and come from a proud tradition of educators. My family, all the way back to when their freedom was gained, understood the value of an education. That was instilled in me and has continued with my daughter. So if I sound a bit outraged at the fact that the well brought up 1% think with such a paternalistic attitude state, as in the time of slavery, that they know better than the rest of us about how to raise and educate our children, you might understand why I respond as I do.

Getting back to the Legislative Assembly, one of the PAA-Seattle parents said that there were maybe five African-Americans in the room when the votes were cast in terms on the charter school proposal. Was this representative of the population that is to be so honored as to have charter schools scattered throughout their communities and staffed by short-timer and ill-prepared TFA, Inc. recruits ( these charter schools will not be anywhere near the moneyed north side of Seattle or Issaquah)? I don’t think so. As I stated in a previous post, it is very hard for parents to participate in the assembly due to child care or financial restraints so, no, this vote was not representative of all of the children, parents or teachers in our state. The PTA motto of “Every child, one voice” does not apply here.

The charter school proposal passed by 9 votes. This is a very close margin and only happened because there were parents and teachers there who were able to educate other parents and teachers on what charter schools are really all about, the privatization of our public school system. The Washington State PTA at no time provided an opposing viewpoint to charter schools either in their literature or the speakers who were presented at the assembly. In fact the only speaker who spoke on the subject of charter schools was a representative of LEV which is of course, pro-charter.

Parents Across America has requested a list of schools that were represented in this Legislative Assembly to see how much of the state was truly represented. When we receive that information, I will let you know and you can judge for yourself.

It will be imperative for parents, teachers and students to let their legislators know that the PTA does not represent all of us or even a majority of children when the representatives of the Washington State PTA sit in front of the legislators and say otherwise.

Parents Across America-Seattle will be working hard to ensure that all voices are heard. If you would like to join us, you can contact me via e-mail at For additional information on Parents Across America (PAA), please visit the National PAA website.
