The polls are down for Proposition 1B, so what do Burgess and Mayor Murray do? They bring in the troops.

From a Seattle Education reader:

A new player has entered the ring, sending voters another mailer for Prop 1B. According to the PDC, New York-based Education Reform Now is spending at least $25,000 on mail for Prop 1B. The hedge-fund backed group brags on its website that it…

.. helped lead the coalition that campaigned successfully for the passage of a public charter school initiative in November 2012. Not only has Washington State lifted its ban on public charter schools, but thanks to ERN’s work, it now has one of the strongest charter school laws in the country.”

Education Reform Now spent millions to fight against teachers in Chicago in 2012.

Proppsition 1A released a new tv ad that shines light on who is backing Proposition 1B.

Earlier this week, the Proposition 1B campaign reported more significant corporate contributions including:

  • Vulcan Inc. ($50,000) Vulcan Inc also contributed $1.6 million to I-1240, the charter school initiative, and contributes to the Reagan Fund, the conservative Leadership Council, and the WA State GOP.
  • Comcast ($10,000). Comcast is a major funder of the Republican Leadership Council.
  • Amazon ($25,000): Amazon gives more money to Republicans than Democrats nationally, including McMorris Rodger’s PAC and the Every Republican Is Crucial Pac.

It looks like I have more bubbles to add to the Proposition 1B Wheel of Fortune.

Note: The 1B ad campaign seems to be targeting the north end of Seattle and Westlake which is mostly white and middle to upper middle class. Hmmm. I thought the 1B preschool program was to assist low income families.

Dora Taylor