“Our Special Test”

A clarification: The superintendent finally stepped down from her spot on the board of directors of NWEA last week after months of protests from parents and other concerned community members who believed that there was a conflict of interest with her serving on the board that was contracted by Seattle Public Schools (SPS) to provide the MAP test.

The superintendent, Dr. Goodloe-Johnson, did not divulge her position on the NWEA board during negotiations with NWEA in acquiring the multi-million dollar license to use the MAP test. That was discovered later and brought to light by a member of the SPS community. She then had to make a statement to the board declaring that she was on the board of directors.

Our school board members didn’t seem to have a problem with it but the public did. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why five of the school board directors were part of a recall attempt last month. It’s probably also one of the reasons that the state audit found our school board members lacking in adequate oversight of the superintendent.

The superintendent is still on the Broad Foundation’s Board of Directors right along with Michelle Rhee so I suppose she can seek solace in that. Is that a conflict of interest? Many of us think that it is absolutely a conflict of interest but the school board doesn’t think so and how could they? They have been having retreats with Broad staff and reading books recommended by the Broad Foundation.

The Alliance for Education has been paying for these school board retreats. And where does the Alliance get its’ money from?— the Gates and the Broads.

That’s why I sometimes refer to the Broad as the borg.


Update October 18, 2010

I received word last night that Dr. Goodloe-Johnson’s name is no longer listed on the Broad Board of Directors. The last time that her name was viewed on the list was no more than 10 days ago.

We know that she has been on the Board of Directors for at least two years, when we first discovered that information.

There is a lot of speculation as to why this sudden change but at this time we can only guess.
