Watching the live stream of young people getting arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge today protesting the crimes that have happened between Wall Street, the White House and the banks, all I can think is that those protestors are not the ones who should be arrested. It’s a whole lot of folks who represent “Wall Street” who should have been arrested for fraud and probably tax evasion. It’s the shysters who have broken this country financially, just about wiped out the middle class and put many families into poverty who should take the perk walk and made to stand on trial.

The divide between the wealthy and the rest of us was poignantly portrayed by the video which I posted in an earlier blog post Standing Up on Wall Street.

Today the Electrical Union of New York, the International Workers of the World (IWW), the Teamsters Union, the Verizon Union Workers and the United Federation of Teachers have all declared their support for the #Occupy Wall Street protest.

Update: The United Steel Workers union (USW) issued a statement on Friday in support of #OccupyWallStreet.

Twenty people were arrested in Boston today as they converged on the Bank of America corporate offices. There were also protests in other cities including Los Angeles, Chicago, Asheville, NC and Albuquerque, NM and there is a #Occupy Tampa planned for this coming Saturday in Florida.

If you have some catching up to do on the occupation of Wall Street, check out my recent post which will bring you up to date.

A live stream of the daily events is available at the Global Revolution website.

If you want to donate money for food to be provided to the protestors, go to WePay.

Bernie Sanders on Keith Olbermann’s show discussing #OccupyWallStreet.

An interesting article that I came across recently is:

10 Demands Being Made By The Wall Street Protesters

And finally, Bernie Sanders and Kieth Olberman on #OccupyWallStreet.

A #OccupyWallStreet poster

There are some great posters that were designed for this protest and can be accessed online for PDF files to print or distribute digitally from The website’s instruction indicates the following: