the color of money

Why a coloring contest? Because our elected officials are refusing to listen to the pleas of school board members, superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, and students. The usual political channels aren’t working. Because, in the grand tradition of political satire, we are calling out the foolish ways of our elected officials. TRAP will not sit by as a complacent accomplice, while our children are made to suffer in under resourced schools. Because we want to make sure ART ­ in all its forms ­ is on the forefront of every discussion concerning school funding.

By Teacher Retention Advocate Parents (TRAP)

WHAT: Parent Protest of the Legislature’s Continued Contempt of the McCleary Decision.

WHEN: 2016 Legislative Session

WHERE: On the Internet at

Who are the Teacher Retention Advocate Parents (TRAP)?

In September, TRAP formed to protest district-wide staff cuts in Seattle’s public schools.

We threw a Half ­Baked Bake Sale at district headquarters to draw attention to the absurdity of trying to fund basic education with car washes and bake sales.

In November, TRAP asked The Thirteen Thousand Dollar Question, when the Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools quipped that his $13,000 raise couldn’t solve any problems “on the table” for Seattle’s public schools.

Now, TRAP is holding a coloring contest to draw attention to the Legislature’s refusal to perform their paramount duty ­ which is to fully fund public education. And because of that, the Supreme Court of Washington State has held them in contempt.

What is The Color of Money ­ McCleary Crime Scene Coloring Contest?

Here at TRAP Headquarters, the Legislature’s continued defiance of the Constitution makes our blood boil. In fact, we think it’s a crime. Funding public education should be JOB ONE this legislative session.

We’re having a coloring contest because all of the usual methods of getting our legislators to fix this mess have failed.

Olympia, TRAP is putting you on notice. The Color of Money ­ McCleary Crime Scene Coloring Contest is our contribution to the funding fight. We plan to draw attention to the longest running ­ public education destroying ­ crime spree this state has ever seen.

Governor Inslee says fix this mess in 2017. TRAP says: Fully Fund McCleary Now!

Why a coloring contest? Because our elected officials are refusing to listen to the pleas of school board members, superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, and students. The usual political channels aren’t working. Because, in the grand tradition of political satire, we are calling out the foolish ways of our elected officials. TRAP will not sit by as a complacent accomplice, while our children are made to suffer in under resourced schools. Because we want to make sure ART ­ in all its forms ­ is on the forefront of every discussion concerning school funding.

How Does The Color of Money ­ McCleary Crime Scene Coloring Contest Work? TRAP is asking parents to join us as we color in the money for our resource starved public schools. What’s the goal? To help our elected officials straighten out their priorities ­ before they end up in jail.

Participation is easy. Visit our Facebook Page and download a coloring sheet. Grab a box of crayons and some friends. Consider having a color­ing at your home or school. Get creative. Have fun.

Once your creation is complete, mail it to:

The Color of Money : McCleary Crime Scene

Post Office Box 134

1037 NE 65th St.

Seattle, WA 98115 ­


More information available at:

Twitter: @McClearyCrime

hashtags: #colormeshamed and #ignorethis


-Teacher Retention Advocate Parents (TRAP)